Primary Care Physician Dr. Nita Rastogi, MD - Internal Medicine Physician

Welcome to Family Internal Medicine, the office of Dr, Nita Rastogi, MD. She is here to offer primary care services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases to her patients. Dr. Rastogi can help you in providing medical services for treating all health-related problems. She also helps patients with addiction problems (alcohol and opioid). Besides, Dr. Nita Rastogi also provides aesthetic laser treatment to her patients for spider vein removal, photo facial, acne & acne scars, and permanent hair removal. Dr. Nita Rastogi works hard to make sure that her patients stay healthy and are compliant with their medical treatment.

Dr. Rastogi is a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine. She completed her residency training at the NYU center at the Brooklyn Hospital Center in Brooklyn, NY. Internal Medicine. Internal Medicine physicians specialize in the care of adults, aged 12 and older. Internists are also trained in intensive care and hospital-based medicine as well as in-office (out-patient) management of multiple health care problems and annual physical examinations.

Dr. Nita Rastogi is married and a resident of Harrisburg, PA. She has two children.

Internal Medicine

Dr. Rastogi’s medical practice participates in all major private insurance and Medicare plans. However, the practice does not participate in any Medicaid or Medicaid type of private insurance plans. However, all patients with no insurance and high deductible are welcome as cash-paying patients. She also offers concierge medicine plans who do not carry health insurance.

Dr. Nita Rastogi, MD‘s philosophy is to keep her patients healthy and compliant with the treatment plans. Dr. Rastogi’s medical office exists to serve you. She welcomes any suggestions you may have for improving service or increasing the comfort and convenience of the patients.

Dr. Rastogi’s practice is open to new patients. Appointments are available immediately.

Hospital View of Harrisburg
Bridges of Harrisburg, PA

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