
Welcome to Family Internal Medicine, the office of Dr. Nita Rastogi, MD. She offers primary care services for diagnosing and treating diseases, including addiction issues (alcohol and opioids), and aesthetic laser treatments (spider vein removal, photo facials, acne and acne scars, permanent hair removal). She ensures patients stay healthy and comply with treatments.

Dr. Rastogi’s practice accepts major private insurance and Medicare but not Medicaid. Cash-paying patients and those with high deductibles are welcome as patients.

Note: All patients (new or existing) please complete the registration form before your appointment.

If you are not in the office, after submitting the registration form, you can complete the appointment form to book an appointment.

select one
D.O.B. format mm/dd/year
if none, write none
if none, write none
Give location address of Patent's Pharmacy
If none, write self insured
If self, write self
If self or no onsurance, write self
If self pay write None
If self pay write None
if known
Clear Signature
sign by hand
Select Date
if patient is 18 years or older, write N/A
if patient is 18 years or older, write N/A

Thank you.

If you are not in the office and want to make an appointment, please select the Date and time, complete the form, and submit it.

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